On this page you will find an explanation of the documents (evidence) you need when applying for a Certificate of Professional Competence. There are documents that everyone must provide and documents that you only provide if they apply to you. The requirements for the content are indicated with the documents. It is also stated whether you must provide the original document, a certified copy or a normal copy.

Which documents must everyone provide?

  • A completed application form
    Please fill in the form digitally. Then print the form and sign it.
  • A copy of a valid ID or passport
    It is important that all information on the evidence is clearly visible. Do not send an original ID or passport.
  • A curriculum vitae (CV)
    This is an overview of your personal data, education, courses, work experiences and language skills. The CV must contain all your work experience and education and courses taken up to the time of this application. In addition to the start and end date, it is important that you also state the country where the work experience was gained or where the training or course was followed. Your CV must be drawn up truthfully.
  • An authenticated copy of the diploma and diploma supplement
    The document must contain the start and end date, and the number of hours of study. Most programs issue one or more certified copies of the original diploma. Please note that requesting a (new) certified copy of your diploma may take some time. Read more about who may authenticate your copy below.
  • An authenticated copy of your grade list, course overview, assessments of study results, practical periods or internship transcripts
    Most programs issue one or more certified copies. Requesting a (new) certified copy can take some time. Read more about who may authenticate your copy below.
  • Certificate(s) of Current Professional Status (CCPS)  (the original or an authenticated copy)
    This is proof that there are no foreign restrictions on jurisdiction. The registration date must be included in a CCPS. You must provide a CCPS from the country where you obtained your diploma and from the countries where you worked in your profession after obtaining your diploma. You must provide a CCPS for each country separately. A CCPS must not be more than three months old and must be an original or a certified copy. Read more about who may authenticate your copy below.

Some foreign authorities issue certificates with a numerical code or QR code with which the document can be verified on the website of the issuing authority. Other forms of digital verification pose a security risk and will not be accepted. You can only e-mail a statement to if it contains a digital hallmark that meets the aforementioned condition of digital verification. In all other cases you must provide a certified copy of the document.

Any additional documents

Please enclose the documents below with the application if they apply to you. We recommend that you include all applicable documents. They are used when assessing your knowledge and skills by the CBGD and can therefore be important for the assessment of your application.

  • An authenticated copy of your diplomas of additional education and courses relevant to the practice of veterinary medicine in the broadest sense
    The document must contain the end date, and the number of hours of study. Most programs issue one or more certified copies. Requesting a (new) certified copy can take some time. Read more about who may authenticate your copy below.
  • A (employer) statement about your practical experience and/or professional experience (the original or an authenticated copy)
    This must be an official, signed (employer's) statement showing exactly what work you have done in what position and in what period. Read more about who may authenticate your copy below.

Certified copy

A certified copy is a copy of an original document. The copy bears an original hallmark stamp (ink stamp) and a signature or initials of an authorized organization or person. The hallmark certifies that the content of the copy is identical to the original.

Please note: an apostille does not replace a certified copy. An apostille only proves that the signature on the document is genuine, but says nothing about the content of the document. For that reason an apostille is not accepted.

Translations of the documents

If your documents are in a language other than Dutch, English or German, you must add both the document in the original language and an original translation. The translation must be done by a sworn translator. If you send a copy of the translation, you must have it certified by the authority that issued the document or a notary.

Please note: the translator can not authenticate the translated original document. This can only be done by the institution that issued the document or by a notary