Are you a veterinarian with a diploma obtained outside the EEA or Switzerland, or do you have one of the other veterinary professions that require registration? The Commission for Foreign Animal Healthcare Graduates (CBGD) will first assess whether your knowledge and skills are sufficiently equivalent to those of veterinarians with a diploma obtained in the Netherlands. Your diploma will be recognized if the content of your education is equal to the Dutch education. Below you will find an explanation of this procedure.

This procedure applies to:

  • Veterinarians with a diploma from outside the EEA or Switzerland
  • Veterinary assistant paraveterinarians, animal physiotherapists or embryo transplanters / winners with a diploma from within or outside the EEA or Switzerland

Procedure B

You can expand each step to see information about that step.

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Call our information line: +31 (0)70 340 5700, operated Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Or send an email to: .

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This page was last updated on the 11th of March 2024

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