The European eIDAS (Electronic Identification and Trust Services) regulation has been in force since 29 September 2018. One of its provisions is that public organisations and private organisations with a public remit must accept Europe-wide recognised login tools within digital services.
Last updated on the 31st of August 2023
That obligation applies, among other things, to organisations that use DigiD and the eHerkenning login system. With this measure, the European Union wants to make it easier and safer to do business within Europe.
To make this possible, the login tools of the various countries must be certified. Not all European countries are able to use their national login to do business online with other European countries. Check the eIDAS-overview to see the status off your country.
eIDAS and the Register of Veterinary Medical Practitioners
If your country is connected with eIDAS you can apply for registration in the Register of Veterinary Medical Practitioners via eIDAS. Go to 'mijn.diergeneeskunderegister.nl' and choose ‘Inloggen met eIDAS’ (Log in with eIDAS).