The Certificate of Current Professional Status (CCPS) is a statement from the competent authority in the field of professional practice of the country that issued your diploma, and from the country/countries where you have worked since your diploma. You need a CCPS if you have a foreign diploma and want to work in the Netherlands. You also need a CCPS if you want to work abroad as a veterinarian or paraveterinary with a Dutch diploma. In this case, you can request the document from the Diergeneeskunderegister (Register of Veterinary Medical Practitioners).
Last updated July 2, 2024
If you need to submit a CCPS in the Netherlands
The CCPS must state:
- that you are fully authorised to practise the profession in question;
- the period that you are or were registered in the register, or that you have never been registered;
- there are no restrictions on foreign competence in place.
The following also applies to the CCPS:
- This statement may not be older than three months.
- It must be an original declaration or an authenticated copy.
- You do not need to submit a CCPS if you graduated 3 months ago or less.
- The CCPS must be translated into Dutch, English or German by a sworn translator.The translation must be authenticated by the translator in question or by a civil-law notary. You must also submit the authenticated declaration in the original language. A copy of the translation must be authenticated by a civil-law notary.
If you need to submit a CCPS abroad
You can apply for a CCPS for use abroad by filling in the application form and send it by email to Applying for a CCPS takes a maximum of 8 weeks. Depending on your situation, a declaration of conformity will be added, stating that you meet the minimum European training requirements. You cannot request a declaration of conformity separately. A CCPS is only provided if you fill in the details of a foreign competent authority. If you do not specify a foreign competent authority with your application, you will only be eligible for an extract from the Diergeneeskunderegister (Register of Veterinary Medical Practitioners).
Who is the foreign competent authority?
On the list of competent authorities [in Dutch], you can look up the country where you will be working or where you have worked. See which competent authority is listed here. If the country you are looking for is not on the list, please contact the Ministry of Health of the country concerned. For non-EU countries, you can also contact the country's embassy or consulate.
Certificate of non-registration
This is a declaration issued by a competent authority in the field of your profession in the country where you obtained your qualification. It states that you:
- are not registered and have never been registered; or
- are not registered now, but were registered in the past, and that there were no restrictions on foreign competence in place during that period.
You can request a certificate of non-registration via the application form [in Dutch]. You must also provide the following documents with the application:
- a valid passport or valid ID card;
- an authenticated copy of your qualification.
Obtaining a certificate of non-registration takes a maximum of 8 weeks.
The Certificate of non-registration and the Certificate of Current Professional Status are always in English. The CCPS will be sent to your home address or correspondence address.